About Us


    We are a leading real estate development and construction company specializing in single tenant build-to-suit developments for national tenants and residential neighborhoods.


    Build successful relationships by partnering with our valued clients and communities to create livable, sustainable environments – “Building Excellence.”


    We specialize in site selection & analysis, market strategy & research, purchases & lease negotiations, entitlements, design, construction & acquisition financing, and construction & project management. We have a dedicated team to pursue purchasing retail land, residential land, existing shopping centers and office buildings.

Full-Ser­vice Development Company

KZ Companies is a full ser­vice com­mer­cial & residential real es­tate de­vel­op­ment and in­vest­ment com­pany. We spe­cial­ize in in­teg­rat­ing with our ten­ant’s real es­tate de­part­ment to lead in all as­pects of new store de­vel­op­ment, housing development, and new store roll out pro­grams. We man­age the de­vel­op­ment pro­cess from start to fin­ish.

Since the in­cep­tion of our com­pany in 1994, we have suc­cess­fully built an ex­tens­ive found­a­tion of re­la­tion­ships with re­tail­ers, homeowners, land­lords and mu­ni­cip­al­it­ies. Through our re­la­tion­ships we pride ourselves on the abil­ity to de­liv­er every pro­ject on time and on budget. Our long his­tory of suc­cess­ful pro­jects can be at­trib­uted to a groun­ded be­lief in strong fin­an­cial fun­da­ment­als, low debt ra­tios and a great team of pro­fes­sion­als.

General Contractor

At KZ Companies, we don’t just develop projects—we build them too. In 2016, we joined forces with KZ Miller Construction to offer a full-service construction company that seamlessly takes projects from land acquisition through construction. With over 35 years of expertise in general contracting and development, we provide a turnkey solution for your project.

Our team specializes in design/build, general construction, retail spaces, and built-to-suit developments, ensuring that your vision becomes a reality. With the combined experience of KZ Companies and KZ Miller Construction, we have the resources, expertise, and dedication to deliver projects on time and on budget.

Whether you need development, construction, or both, we have the capability to manage every phase of your project with precision and excellence. Let’s build something great together.

Founded on the Principle of Integrity

KZ Companies’ principals, Mark Zimmerman and Charles Kavanaugh, have been representing retail tenant expansion needs. Since 1994 they have built and delivered projects nationwide and have also assembled a team of professionals that are acutely trained in all disciplines of real estate investment and development.

When Mark and Charles started in 1994 they formed KZ Holdings, LLC as their primary business vehicle. As their business needs became more specialized, they formed KZ DevCo, LP, KZ Capital, LLC and KZ Companies. KZ Holdings, LLC still continues to this day as an operating entity.

KZ Companies serves as their primary entity for new development projects while KZ Capital, LLC acts as the entity devoted to investment and acquisition. Having three specialized platforms for real estate investment, Mark and Charles are able to act quickly on market opportunities.